Stop and think twice if you think that working for London escorts is the right career choice for you. It takes more than long blond hair and blue eyes to succeed at an elite London escorts service. Many girls who joined an escort service in London think all they will need to do is turn up and smile. There is more to it than that. Once you have been working in the adult entertainment industry in London for a while, you will appreciate it takes a certain skill set to succeed.
One of the things that you need to have is a steely determination to succeed. When you initially step into a charlotte escorts service, it will not take you long to appreciate that it is rather a competitive working environment. Girls are trying to get as many dates as possible. You need to have plenty of skin on your nose and not let minor things upset you. The girls who have been with a London escorts for a long time, can sometimes be a little bit bitchy to new girls. Don’t take it to heart, and don’t do the same thing back. It is not going to make you feel good about yourself.
Make sure that you make the most out of yourself and your talents. Prior to working for London escorts, I did a lot of modeling. It may not have helped me that much but it did make my photos look good. I soon learned that a lot of men simply don’t bother reading the girls’ biographies. Instead they just look at the photos and which one of the many London escorts they fancy spending some time with that evening. It is important to look your best all of the time which was rather easy for me to do as a former model.
As a new girl you need to build up your career. It is not that different from working for a modeling agency. When I did modeling, it took me sometime to build up a clientele. When I joined London escorts, I very much applied the same principles as I had done when I was modeling. I slowly built up my dating diary and before I knew it, I was dating some very nice gentlemen. It helps if you have got a game plan and can focus on what you need to do. It is not all about turning up for work with your red lipstick on. There is more to London escorts than red lipstick.
I love working for London escorts. So far I have been escorting for about five years now, and I would like to carry on. Yes, I still do a little bit of modelling on the side of London escorts. Modeling is rather addictive, and I think that working for a London escorts service is addictive as well. I never thought that I would end up working for an escort agency, but now that I am doing so, I really enjoy it. Hopefully I will be with London escorts for another few years. After that, we will just have to see what happens. I may even meet the right guy for me