Belgravia Escorts on Having a Packed dating Diary

I have always been rather an organised person and I guess that I brought that with me to Belgravia escorts. The other girls at the agency laugh at me because they say that I am more like a PA than an escort. When I left home the other day, I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing glasses, a skirt, heels and white blouse with a scarf. Yes, I did look a bit like a PA. As I came to the building where my boudoir is located, my first date was already sitting on the door step. Naturally, I told him off for being early but he did not seem to get offended.

belgravia escort

All of a sudden, I realised that he liked the look of me. I had not been expecting that at all, and I thought that I may have found a persona that suited me at Belgravia escorts. On my next date, I kept the glasses on but changed into my usual garb. Yes, this was certainly working and it seemed that the gents really appreciated meeting the efficient PA type girl. If I kept this up, I knew that I would be able to fill up my dating diary pretty quickly.

I have always had a dating diary. Not all of the girls here at Belgravia escorts bother but I think that it is essential. Most of them have a really hard time to keep track on how they are doing and I am not sure if they are actually doing that well. I like to make sure that I have as much information on my gents as possible, so I track what I do on dates. If one of my gents is happy to give me his contact details, I will keep a track of them at the same time.

Perhaps I am a little bit nuts, but I do very much look at my work at Belgravia escorts as my own business. Since I got into my sexy PA look, I have noticed that a lot of gents have started to treat em differently as well. They seem to respect a lot more. Also, I am very much more often invited to business functions. Needless to say I am often asked to play the role of the sexy secretary but I don’t mind that at all. As a matter of fact, I can pull that off to perfection,

One of my gents have even asked me to travel with him as his personal assistant. Next time when I have two weeks off from Belgravia escorts, I am planning to do just that. It will probably not turn into be a full time job, but I think that it will make a nice change for me. I love being efficient so travelling as someone’s PA, is a dream come true. I cannot think about anything better and I hope that he will enjoy my company enough to always remain in my dating dairy.

Sexy and Willing Tooting Escorts


Sometimes when you call an escort service in London, I think that they do not want you to date their escorts. They make you jump through so many hoops that it is hard work. Yes, I know that they need to protect their escorts, but you can soon tell by someone’s telephone manner if they are a nice person or not. I have to be honest and say that some escorts services have even managed to put me off with the many questions, but Tooting escorts seem to be open for business.


dating business with tooting escort babes


My first experience with Tooting escorts was a bit of an eye opener. My flight to London Heathrow had not been on time, and I arrived late at my hotel. This was my first time staying in this part of London, and it would be fair to say that I was already missing my old haunts. On the way to the hotel, I was trying to figure out how long it would take me to get across London to Knightsbridge and visit my favorite girls. It was already late, and I was tired. I was in need of food, so I logged on to find the nearest Indian restaurants.


As I was browsing the available results, I came across an advert for Tooting escorts. I must admit that I initially dismissed the advert out of hand, but then I looked again. Why not? I would probably be staying in this part of London again, and it would be great to find some local female companionship. Looking at the girls offered by the escort agency, I noticed that many of them were just totally stunning. One brunette beauty called Diamond soon caught my eye.


I phoned the agency, expecting to be met by ten million questions. However, the young lady on the phone was nice and friendly, and asked how she could help. I said that I was new to Tooting escorts, but I wanted to meet the stunning Diamond. She run through a couple of questions really easily and without effort, and I could hear a smile in her voice. The young lady said that Diamond sounded like a perfect match, and she was going to arrange a date.


Within about ten minutes, I was on my way to Diamond’s boudoir at Tooting escorts. I was really looking forward to the date, and the minute I saw Diamond, I knew that I would not be disappointed. She was not only stunning, but she was super sexy as well. She invited me in and invited to shower after my journey. When I got out of the shower, she was stood there with a towel, and spent the next two hours spoiling me with both unexpected and new treats. Since then, I have met the sexy Diamond several times and looking forward to another date next time I visit Tooting in London.  We have become really good friends, and I have this funny feeling that Diamond looks forward to seeing me as well.